Books & Journals

Book stockThe library holds over 14,000 books, reports and multimedia resources that may be borrowed.  In addition we have access to more 7000 full text electronic journals and e-books.

We also hold a small collection of print journals that are available for reference only and can not be borrowed.

Borrowing Books

You can search the library catalogue for all books held by the Library at the Royal Surrey and all other NHS healthcare libraries in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

Library members may borrow 10 books for 4 weeks.  Books on loan to you will automatically be renewed for you twice, as long as another library member has not reserved the item.

If the book you would like to borrow is already on loan we can reserve it for you.

Full replacement costs plus an administration charge of £25 is payable for non-returned items.


Find a journal - use your OpenAthens password to access full text electronic journals and for details of print journals available in the library.  

Please note: Print journals are for reference only and may not be borrowed.


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9am to 5pm



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